
Kulbir needs an intervention

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Do you know that his videocache plugin caches only one version of the youtube video? That means if someone has seen a low quality version and they want to see the higher quality version – they can’t. We (I, Rishabh and Sanrag) went to his lab to force him to fix that. Now the list of WTF’s He sits in CIE (Center for Internet Explorer). His working notebook: Read More...

How to piss off a MS fanboy

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Situation: Me and the MS fanboy were chatting about some random stuff and as usual were not in agreement. MS Fanboy: Sucker ! me: Sure Whatever gives you pleasure MS Fanboy: Right now…closing this chat window me: Be my guest MS Fanboy: wtf !… u opened it again… biatch me: Why don’t you try the “block” feature instead MS Fanboy: Why don’t u just stop pinging me instead of suggesting alternatives Read More...

Robot form submission – Part 2

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Ankit wrote a nice post about using Java to fill up a form, which is a FCFS allocation (can’t they just *provide* a quantity of good courses?). However, filling up the form can be simply done by a Firefox extension, Autofill forms; but what I would really like to do is be sleeping while the course registration goes on. 😀 Ingredients: Firefox, bash, curl, a bit of common-sense First of all, install two Firefox extensions – Web Developer and Firebug. Read More...

Wireless drivers

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Q: Why do some people get mad while installing wireless drivers? Ans: Because they use Atheros chipsets and have to install madwifi. Courtesy: The one who pwns Santa.

The not-so-late post exams post

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I don’t know what’s gotten into me, but with each passing semester I feel less inclined towards ‘studying’. This time, I didn’t even bother to do any pre-preparation for the exams (yeah, there was a time I used to do that) and just prepared for the exams at the moment. And what do you do in an exam in which you’re totally blank? Think of answers like this: Compilers: If you were purchasing a compiler, what five features would you consider important? Read More...