Situation: Me and the MS fanboy were chatting about some random stuff and as usual were not in agreement.
MS Fanboy: Sucker !
me: Sure
Whatever gives you pleasure
MS Fanboy: Right now…closing this chat window
me: Be my guest
MS Fanboy: wtf !… u opened it again… biatch
me: Why don’t you try the “block” feature instead
MS Fanboy: Why don’t u just stop pinging me instead of suggesting alternatives
me: I will do what I wanna do shithead, you do what you can to avoid me
MS Fanboy: **sighs**
Arrogant Ppl !!
me: It is better to be arrogant rather than been an irrational sucker
MS Fanboy: Unfortunately… u r both !
me: As I said, whatever suits you
MS Fanboy has signed off.
(At this point, I was blocked)
PS0: The Internetz for the one who guesses the MS fanboy.